High Testosterone Levels: Is It Bad for You?

The controversy over testosterone levels is one that has raged on for many years, if not decades. Is it better to have high testosterone levels or to let nature take its course and reduce the production of this essential chemical messenger as people age? Arguments are possible on both sides of the table, but research has shown that maintaining a healthy level of this hormone in the body provides optimum wellness and crucial functions that both men and women need throughout their lives.
What we also know is that increasing to a high testosterone level that is greater than what is considered in the normal range can be dangerous to one’s health and well-being. This report will discuss the benefits of maintaining testosterone levels in the higher end of the normal spectrum, and what side effects can occur if these levels go too high.
We know that testosterone levels subside with age, and there are also some medical conditions that can contribute to this situation. The problem of adverse symptoms occurring when levels drop too low is one that can be corrected by doctor-prescribed testosterone treatment.
High Testosterone Levels in Men
There are some benefits of high testosterone levels in men, but it is essential to caution that this does not have to do with an overdose of testosterone that occurs when a male increases his testosterone levels higher than what is considered normal. Raising Low T levels up to an optimal state helps with the following:
- Decreasing the risks associated with obesity and helping with weight loss
- Normalizing blood pressure
- Reducing the likelihood of heart attacks – balancing triglyceride and cholesterol levels
- Improving energy and endurance
- Maintaining proper bone density and lean muscle mass
- Restoring libido and sexual function
- Improving mood and a sense of well-being
- Restoring confidence and assertiveness (in a positive sense)
- Deeper, more restful sleep
There are some serious, although not medical issues associated with having a high level of testosterone if you are a male. These may include:
- Increased aggression
- A tendency to consume greater amounts of alcohol
- Increase in reckless or risky behavior
- Increased likelihood of injury
- More likely to smoke
- Widened jawline
High Levels of Testosterone in Women
Females going through menopause notice specific changes and symptoms due to a decrease in the production of vital hormones, including testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. It is just as important to maintain high testosterone levels in women as it is these other chemical messengers in order to protect one’s body and mind.
The benefits of higher testosterone levels include:
- Reduction or cessation of hot flashes and night sweats
- Increased vaginal lubrication for better sexual enjoyment
- Restored libido and heightened pleasure
- Improved memory and cognitive functions
- Better metabolic functions and loss of excess belly fat
- Lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels for improved heart health
- Increased energy and stamina
- Better sleep
- Improved lean body mass and bone density
It is also important to raise testosterone levels carefully with the help of an experienced hormone replacement specialist. This will minimize the risks of extremely high levels of testosterone in women that can cause the following:
- Increased facial and body hair
- Male pattern baldness
- Deepened voice
- Enlarged clitoris
- PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Menstrual irregularity
Symptoms of High Testosterone Levels
When beginning treatment for Low T, it is essential to understand the risk factors involved and know what to look for in the way of potential side effects of testosterone therapy. This will make it easier to know when to contact the doctor to discuss the changes that have occurred.
Here are the potential high testosterone levels symptoms that may appear:
- Breast tissue enlargement
- Oily skin
- Acne (often on shoulders and back)
- Edema
- Decreased sperm count
- Worsening of sleep apnea
- Blood thickening due to increased red blood cell count
- Decreased testicular size
- Hair loss
- Reduced fertility
- Enlarged prostate (due to higher DHT and estrogen levels)
Problems such as breast enlargement, enlarged prostate, and shrunken testicles occur when the excess testosterone in the male body is converted into estrogen. The doctor will prescribe an estrogen blocker to help control the high levels of testosterone and reverse these symptoms.
Anyone, male or female, must be aware of any adverse and unexpected changes that might occur when using testosterone or any other form of hormone replacement therapy. In these instances, contact the doctor at once to discuss the situation. In the majority of cases, the problems will correct themselves as the body gets used to the increase in testosterone. At other times, the doctor may lower the dosage of medication administered until the symptoms subside.
Please contact Kingsberg Medical with any questions about testosterone treatment, to arrange for a free consultation, or to schedule blood testing to determine if you have any hormonal imbalances that can benefit from doctor prescribed hormone replacement therapy.
Brian Leeber